foot bath spa water massager

19 benefits of long-term foot massage on the human body, stunned!

19 benefits of long-term foot massage on the human body

foot bath spa water massager

Don’t think that foot stimulation is simply a relaxation of lower limbs.

Many studies have confirmed that regular foot relaxation can effectively exercise various parts of the body:

Brain—promotes the release of endorphins in the brain and makes the mood happy
Lungs—Increase lung capacity and reduce the desire for smoking in smokers.
Legs and feet—massage is equivalent to stimulating the bones, which can significantly enhance the strength of the bones and muscles of the legs and feet.

Foot massage for more than 1 hour a week can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 35% to 40%.
2 times a week, more than 45 minutes each time, can prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
Massage for more than 7 hours a week can reduce the incidence of breast cancer by 20% and has a 50% effect on type II diabetes.

Changes brought about by long-term plantar stimulation. I really don’t know if I don’t see it!

1. Increase memory

With age, people’s memory is also declining. Foot massage stimulation can increase memory. Remember to stimulate more feet daily, and your memory will become stronger and stronger.

2. Open the Meridians

Sitting in the office for a long time, not paying attention to the body, the meridians are stiff, and there will be small bumps all over the body. If you insist on foot massage, the bumps on the soles of the feet will be much less, and the body will decrease accordingly.

3. Relax the pulse

The meridian is blocked, the pulse is naturally stiff, and the whole body is very tense and rigid. The soles of the feet are stimulated for half an hour every day, and the whole body is relaxed.

4. Peace of mind and body

Physical and mental disharmony, physical and mental restlessness, physical and mental inequalities, and physical and mental diseases all come from the obstruction of qi and blood. The reason for the obstruction of qi and blood is the obstruction of meridians. Therefore, the body and mind are not free. Through massage, the qi and blood are unblocked, and the body and mind are free. This aspect is related to the meridian.

5. Increase heart function

Most people who don’t like sports have a bad heart. Stimulating the soles of the feet can enhance the function of the heart and make the heart slow and powerful. At the same time, clean up the garbage in the arteries and veins.

6. Open blood vessels

According to medicine, massage can enhance the elasticity of blood vessels and reduce the possibility of blood vessel rupture, and massage can enhance the elasticity of the whole body.

7. Enhance muscle strength

People who live irregularly have stiff and inflexible muscles, lack of muscle strength, and mental fatigue. After long-term foot massage and exercise, muscle strength is enhanced, the joints are flexible, and the mental state is improved accordingly.

8. Smooth blood circulation

The blood in the human body is not smooth, because the meridians and veins are blocked, so the blood is not smooth, and people are prone to diseases. Stimulating the feet can open up the meridians and enhance the blood circulation and metabolism of the human body. Because the feet are farthest from the heart, they are easily blocked by gravity.

9. Reduce five internal organs diseases

The internal organs need exercise. If they do not exercise, they will naturally harden and get sick. Therefore, foot stimulation and massage can enhance the secretion function of the digestive glands, promote regular gastrointestinal peristalsis, increase appetite, and enhance the elasticity of the internal organs. Many diseases Nature heals.

10. Cure the three highs

Many people have three highs, and doctors have prescribed many medicines, but none of them have much effect. Let’s start a foot massage after a long time. Massage has a good effect on the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, habitual constipation, and other diseases, and it is also helpful for blood circulation.

foot bath spa water massager

11. Spiritual happiness

According to Tibetan medicine, regular foot stimulation will eliminate heart ischemic symptoms or lower blood pressure. Make the human body eliminate fatigue, be happy, and relieve palpitations and palpitations. Unhappiness has something to do with blood. Why did the ancients pay attention to “a pot of soup before going to bed”, talking about the thermal stimulation of the soles of the feet?

12. Beautiful body shape

Whether a person is beautiful or not is directly related to his blood. If there is no garbage in a person’s blood, he must be beautiful. If there is a lot of garbage in his blood, he will naturally not be beautiful. Therefore, foot massage can eliminate the garbage in the body and blood, reduce the accumulation of abdominal fat, and maintain the beauty of the human body.

13. Reduce myocardial infarction

In medicine, myocardial infarction is mainly caused by blocked blood clots and blocked blood vessels. Foot massage can reduce the formation of blood clots and reduce the possibility of myocardial infarction.

14. Enhance kidney function

Some people sit for a long time at work, which damages the kidneys, causing kidney deficiency, nephritis, kidney stones, and shrinking kidney function. Therefore, if the blood supply to the kidneys is insufficient, the liver blood will be insufficient. To treat diseases and take medicine, which increases the burden on the kidneys, foot therapy can reduce the need for medicines, thereby enhancing the function of the kidneys.

15. Clear brain

I have been working in front of the computer for a long time, studying, and writing articles, and the brain will be unclear. Do some foot massage properly to stimulate the acupoints on the feet to refresh the mind. The brain’s thinking activities become clear and flexible, and the fatigue of the brain is obviously eliminated. , Improve learning and work efficiency.

16. Enhance eyesight

Many people read books, play on the computer, send too many WeChat messages, and their eyesight has deteriorated. According to the tests of relevant experts, they walk twice a week and massage their feet once. One hour each time, compared with those who don’t like sports, those who persist for 4 months have sharper reactions, and their vision and memory are superior.

17. Prolong life

Foot stimulation is a way of fitness with movement in stillness and stillness in movement, which can relieve neuromuscular tension and stabilize emotions so that life expectancy will naturally be extended.

18. Develop wisdom

There is an indirect relationship between people’s stupidity and blood nature. There is a lot of garbage in human blood, and people will naturally become stupid. Stupid people cannot develop wisdom. Regular walking can remove garbage in the blood, eliminate fatigue, be happy, relieve palpitations and palpitations, eliminate exhaust pollution, strengthen the body, be spiritually active, and improve wisdom. For your health, please start foot massage.

19. Foot massage can boost creativity and benefit brain health
A professional foot massage helps the brain release more of the euphoric hormone endorphins, which is more beneficial to mental health. So, starting today, pay attention to your feet and start your journey of massage and conditioning.

Written by: FUJIREJA Massage Chair Group
The Exporter and Manufacturer of Massage Chair and Massager since 2003
Welcome OEM or ODM

best calf and foot massager

How to choose calf and foot massagers?

Calf and foot massagers

Table of contents

1. Massage parts: feet? legs? knee?

2. Massage intensity

3. Massage effect

4. Hot compress effect

5. Additional functions

Best Calf and foot massager 910

1. Massage parts: feet? legs? knee?

Calf and foot massagers on the market are classified according to the coverage of the massage parts: foot calf and foot massager, foot calf and foot massager, foot leg calf and foot massager, and of course, luxury calf and foot massager covering the upper limbs.

Under normal circumstances, if the budget allows, Zhizhi recommends buying a foot leg, massage, and hot compress on the entire lower limbs, and going to sleep with warm legs and feet every day, which is really comfortable.

2. Massage intensity

The massage programs of each foot and calf massager are set differently, so the starting strength of their massage is also different. People who often go to foot massage shops or exercise regularly can try to choose a stronger strength.

Elderly people or other people who are not under the force can consider starting with a lighter force. We must pay attention to it. Some of us think that the greater the force, the better the massage effect, so we “grit our teeth and persevere” during the massage.

Don’t do this, it will not only be ineffective but also may cause injury, so you must start with yourself and focus on comfort.

3. Massage effect

The massage effect of foot and calf massagers is mainly determined by the number of rollers and the number of airbags. The more rollers, the more reflection points for massage. Generally, the primary level includes one group (front of the foot), and the intermediate level includes two groups (front of the foot, center of the foot). , The advanced device includes 3 sets of rollers (front, middle, and back of the foot).

The more airbags there are, the stronger the message envelopment and the more accurate the massage force is. Of course, the best is the 360° full envelopment, and the hot compress and massage effects are better.

4. Hot compress effect9100 foot calf massager 3

The temperature of most foot massager hot compresses is controlled at around 42 degrees. Constant temperature hot compresses can be very relaxing, but many people prefer a higher temperature range. Of course, the higher the better.

The maximum hot compress temperature recommended in this article can reach 55 degrees, but it can be adjusted independently, based on personal comfort.

Appropriate hot compress during a pedicure can improve the blood circulation of lower limbs

5. Additional functions

Some calf massagers add a vibration function:

Foot vibration: It can reduce the tightness of the soles of the feet, relax the feet, and enhance the massage effect.
Ankle vibration: It can relax the ankle and calf, and reduce the swelling of the leg, and then the calf.

Written by: FUJIREJA Massage Chair Group
The Exporter and Manufacturer of Massage Chair and Massager since 2003
Welcome OEM or ODM

Foot Massager Stool

Let’s talk about the foot calf massager that you don’t know

Foot calf massager

Table of contents
Function introduction of foot calf massager
The role and Importance of  calf foot massager

Foot Massager Stool with Storage Cover 850

A. Function introduction of foot and calf massager

1. Applicable parts
The pedicure machines on the market are roughly divided into two types, one is only for foot massage, and the other is the kind of foot + leg.
Personally, I recommend choosing the sole + leg
Because in addition to walking, we use our feet, and our calves are actually under stress.
So sometimes we will not only feel a little tired on the soles of our feet but also have sore calves. In this case, the soles of the feet + legs will highlight his advantages.

2. Massage method
Now pedicure machines generally have kneading, foot scraping, airbag extrusion, and other massage methods
You can choose the massage method that suits you according to your needs.

3. Gear adjustment, massage intensity
Why do we need to look at gear adjustment and massage strength when purchasing?
I think that the strength needed for each person’s feet is different when massaging.
Therefore, I suggest that when purchasing, choose the one with gear adjustment and the one that can increase or decrease the strength.
There is also a reminder that the stronger the strength of the foot therapy machine, the better. Only when you choose the strength that suits you, you will feel more comfortable and relieve fatigue.

4. Featured functions
We try to choose the one with a timing function when purchasing a foot calf massager. It is recommended that it be around 30-45 minutes. Foot massage is not as long as possible. Proper time is an important point of foot massage. Although massage is very comfortable, we can’t over-massage.
All diseases start from the cold, and the cold comes from the soles of the feet. Some massagers have the function of a warm massage. They are equipped with a heating function while massaging, which can better promote blood circulation and circulation. Effectively improve sleep conditions.

5. Appearance and details
Whether it has the function of deodorization,
Is it convenient in the cleaning sense?
Whether the aspect moved,
Whether aspect disassembly.

B. The function and importance of foot calf massager

01Promote blood circulation

The feet are the farthest from the heart and are at the lowest position of the human body. They are the parts with relatively poor peripheral blood circulation. In addition, the feet lack sebaceous glands and relatively many sweat glands, so it is easy to consume heat and has poor heat preservation function. There is a saying that “cold comes from the feet, and disease starts from the feet”.

The thermal stimulation of water during foot soaking and steaming can promote blood vessel expansion, reduce peripheral resistance, increase blood flow and velocity, and improve overall blood circulation.

Due to the improvement of blood circulation, more oxygen and nutrients are provided for various tissues and organs, and even each cell, thereby promoting metabolism and achieving the purpose of health care and treatment.

This is consistent with the saying in traditional Chinese medicine that “pain is blocked, and pain is not painful”. Therefore, foot bath therapy has a significant effect on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, joint pain, gastrointestinal discomfort, and other diseases.


02Enhance the excretion function of sweat glands and sebaceous glands

The heat stimulation of the feet can expand the pores of the whole body and enhance the excretory functions of sweat glands and sebaceous glands. Therefore, after soaking the feet, especially with fumigation, the whole body can be heated and sweat in a few minutes. Various mixtures (harmful substances) are carried out of the body.

After fumigation and soaking the feet with the medicinal liquid, the feet are warmed, which can “induce heat and descend, reconcile qi and blood, dispel wind and dampness, warm the meridian and dispel cold”. curative effect.

03Enhance the function of internal organs

When soaking feet, hot water, and steam can effectively stimulate the reflex zones and meridians of the feet, so as to regulate and enhance the function of organs and receive the effect of health care and treatment. In addition, after soaking the feet, due to the softening of the skin and flesh tissue of the feet and the smoothness of the skin, the effect of enhancing the function of the internal organs is more significant if the foot massage is applied to the symptoms.

Foot Spa Massager with storage cover 4

04Improve sleep

Soaking your feet in hot water every night before going to bed can increase blood circulation in the lower limbs, and can act on the central nervous system with the help of skin receptors, reducing the blood in the head relatively, so that people can fall asleep easily. Patients with neurasthenia have an obvious curative effect.

05 Activating blood and dredging collaterals

The human body feels wind, cold, dampness, and three evil qi, and stays in the meridians, muscles, and joints, which can cause occlusion of the meridians and stagnation of qi and blood. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that “blood will flow when it is hot, and it will coagulate when it is cold” because the principle of treatment is to use generalization. The heat of the water can unclog the pores, open the interstitial tissues, unblock the Qi and blood, relieve stasis, and move stagnation, thereby relaxing tendons and collaterals, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, reducing swelling, and relieving pain.

06Repel cold and dehumidify

Under the action of the heat of the medicinal liquid, the blood flow in the whole body accelerates rapidly, and the interstices can be relieved, causing sweating all over the body, and various harmful substances are excreted from the body with the sweat. The increase in height promotes the supply of oxygen and nutrients and the relaxation of muscles. It has the effect of sports without the fatigue of sports, so as to achieve the purpose of dispelling cold and dampness, eliminating diseases, and keeping fit.

07Relieve muscle cramps

Soaking feet can relieve muscle spasms and the resulting pain, which has been confirmed by clinical practice, such as painful spasms caused by bruises, stiffness caused by chronic rheumatoid arthritis, calf gastrocnemius spasm, ankle sprain Spasm pain, cold stomach pain caused by gastric smooth muscle spasm, etc., can be significantly relieved by foot soaking.

Written by: FUJIREJA Massage Chair Group
The Exporter and Manufacturer of Massage Chair and Massager since 2003
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Leg and foot massager, fully wrapping massage from legs to feet, acupoint massage is so comfortable!

Leg and foot massager, fully wrapping massage from legs to feet, acupoint massage is so comfortable!

Table of contents
Folding design saves space
3D pressure-sensitive airbags can meet the needs of different groups of people
Detachable and washable cloth cover, easy to clean, keep clean at all times
3D airbag massage + three-stage foot massage combined design covers the entire footprint
Constant temperature hot compress for a quick warm-up
experience feelings


I bought a massage sofa some time ago. It is very comfortable, but the massage area is only the shoulder, neck, and back. I wear high heels to and from getting off work every day, and my calf has varicose veins, the toes are heavily loaded, the forefoot is extremely painful, and the whole person is exhausted. Soaking feet every night is to promote blood circulation, which can not relieve foot pain and varicose veins in the legs. I decided to buy a leg and foot massage machine, which can be combined with a sofa to form a full-body massage chair. It is perfect to enjoy a full-body massage without leaving home.


Folding design saves space

The FUJIREJA leg and foot therapy machine has a high-end appearance design, with simple and smooth lines, and the minimalist style is in line with the aesthetics of modern people. The combination of white + gray can give people a sense of calmness and comfort, and it has a restrained, elegant, and elegant texture. Placing it in the corner of the home can enhance the atmosphere of the whole home.

The material is high-strength impact-resistant ABS, has no smell, is safe, and is environmentally friendly. The surface layer is high-performance piano paint, which is not afraid of scratches and remains bright as new for a long time, which greatly improves the service life of the product.

From the appearance of the product, the FUJIREJA leg and foot massaging machine is much smaller than expected, thanks to the 90-degree folding and flipping design. It is one of the highlights of this product that it can be folded and stored without taking up space.

3D pressure-sensitive airbags can meet the needs of different groups of people

Another highlight of the leg and foot massager pedicure machine is the 3D pressure-sensitive airbag, and there is intelligent air pressure monitoring extending from the calf to the foot. The advantage of this design is that it can be applied to any leg curve and foot size. After putting in the feet, the pressure-sensitive airbags inflate according to the contours of the feet and legs of different people to wrap them up during use. It covers multiple reflex areas on the soles of the legs and automatically finds acupuncture points. The airbags on the instep of the calves are pinched and kneaded, and the wrapped deep squeeze massage is performed. The acupuncture points are pinched accurately, in place, and comprehensively.

Especially for girls who wear high-heeled shoes for a long time, the bones of the feet are squeezed, and it is common to cause swelling of the feet and sore legs due to poor blood circulation. When you get home from get off work, first use the leg and foot massage machine to relax the tense leg muscles and foot massage for a day. It can relieve the pressure on the ligaments, promote blood circulation, relieve pain in the feet and legs, and quickly relieve fatigue. And regular use can make the legs that have become thicker after standing for a long time become more slender and smooth, and it can also relieve varicose veins in the legs. My husband has flat feet, and the soles of his feet usually hurt when he walks a lot. Now he is also used to massaging his feet when he gets home from get off work.

Detachable and washable cloth cover, easy to clean, keep clean at all times

The leg and foot massager is generally used by the family. In addition to the 3D pressure-sensitive airbags that can meet different sizes of footsteps, the cleaning problem must also be a concern for everyone. First of all, the FUJIREJA leg and foot massager uses a dip-dyed nano-cloth cover, which is anti-bacterial and breathable. Secondly, the cloth covers on the feet and legs can be disassembled and cleaned. I tried it out, and the zipper is smooth and easy to disassemble and assemble, and it only takes a few minutes to complete disassembly and assembly. People-oriented, the design is very intimate and humanized.

3D airbag massage + three-stage foot massage combined design covers the acupuncture points of the entire foot

The FUJIREJA leg and foot massager will be wrapped 360 degrees by the airbag from the top of the foot to the bare ankle. The foot rolling massage technique, the sole of the foot scraping massage technique, and the heel vibration massage technique almost cover the acupuncture points of the entire foot, and the pressure is relaxed and rhythmic. It really hurts at first, and I feel what it is There is no pain in the general rule, and there is no pain in the general rule.

It is quite sour and refreshing. After the massage, I really feel comfortable and felt the lightness of being opened up to the two channels of Ren and Du. It is completely different from the massage experience of my previous foot massager, which really stimulates relevant acupoints deeply.

It is more comfortable to care for the legs and feet at the same time. The airbag wraps the calf for deep squeezing. Different from the sour feeling of foot massage, the airbag is like a pair of gentle hands rhythmically relieving the muscle tension of the calf, allowing better blood circulation and relaxing the legs. The process of pressing the legs was very enjoyable, and I was so comfortable that I almost fell asleep.

Constant temperature hot compress for a quick warm-up

What I also like is the constant temperature heating function. There was a lot of snow in Beijing some time ago. When I went out, I put on a pair of thin sneakers. After walking for a while, the soles of my feet were completely frozen. From the soles of my feet, I felt cold all over my body. up. When you go home, take off your shoes and put your cold feet into the pedicure machine, turn on the constant temperature heat compress, you can feel the warm air flow from the feet to the upper part of the body, and the body will soon be warmed up.

Experience feelings

FUJIREJA leg and foot integrated pedicure machine has two forms: the machine is stretched out, and the legs and feet are treated at the same time. Height 470mm. It can be folded up for foot massage alone, with a height of 250mm. Moreover, it is designed with dual screens and dual controls. No matter which form of massage is used, the operation panel is at a place that can be directly touched by hands.

Personal sense

Light-touch control panel: On key, heat key, strength key, foot health key, rhyme movement key, and a leg slimming key for the integrated massage of legs and feet. The buttons are clear and easy to operate. Even the elderly can save the learning time of tedious operations, and can directly operate and massage independently. The all-in-one foot massage machine has three levels of intensity, and you can choose the intensity of the airwave massage according to your own stress level. It is recommended to adapt from resisting intensity and gradually transition to high-intensity massage.


FUJIREJA legs and feet integrated pedicure machine has a grand appearance, and a foldable design, does not occupy a lot of space, and saves space. Leg and foot integrated massage, 3D pressure-sensitive airbags, three-stage foot massage combination, and constant temperature hot compress are very practical functions, which can effectively relieve leg and foot fatigue and promote blood circulation. The cloth cover is detachable and washable, easy to clean, and can be kept clean and hygienic at all times so that the whole family can use it with confidence. It happens to be used in conjunction with my massage sofa. Personally, I think it is a good product worth buying for home use.

Written by: FUJIREJA Massage Chair Group
The Exporter and Manufacturer of Massage Chair and Massager since 2003
Welcome OEM or ODM

Foot Massager Stool

This “stool” massages on the top and soaks feet on the bottom, making you feel comfortable from head to toe! Smart foot spa massager, not just a massager

Smart foot spa massager

Foot Stool Massager with storage cover FJ-919

The thing in the picture is a foot tub that I want to recommend.

I guess you must be thinking:

? ? ? ? ? ? ? Isn’t this a stool?


Indeed, it can also be used as a stool, but you will know it as soon as you take it apart👆

It is especially useful as a foot bath, and it can also massage your feet when soaking your feet.

At the same time, this design also solves the storage problem.

It’s not over yet—

This cover is not only a cushion but also a massager.

It can vibrate and generate heat. When soaking your feet, you can put it on your back to massage your back or put it on your thighs to heat up. It warms the thighs that have not been soaked, and the experience is quite comfortable! This amazing design is amazing.

Why is it so practical? Foot bath, massage, every experience is amazing! There is no sacrifice of the texture that any part should have because of versatility.

First, let’s talk about the foot tub as the main body.

It is very convenient to add water, heat, and keep warm, these are the basic functions,

At the same time, it can also massage your feet!

People who usually like to soak their feet for a long time must know that in order to maintain the water temperature, they have to think about heating the water while soaking, which affects the experience.

This foot tub is different, it can heat the water up to 48 ℃, and can keep the water temperature continuously, don’t worry about the water getting cold.

There are also two-foot bath modes, “heated surf” and “automatic massage”.

Heated Surf:

There are multiple circulating water outlet holes on both sides above the foot tub. The water is poured down like a shower, and the warm water is continuously poured on the calves and insteps~

Automatic massage:

There are 4 rollers at the bottom of the foot tub, and each roller has 4 raised massage beads. When turned on, they will rub the soles of your feet by rotating~

Soak your feet in the constant temperature water and feel like you can sit until dawn!

Which mode is more comfortable, surfing or massage?

Adults – of course, both options at the same time!

Then put the massage cushion on the thigh, vibrate while heating,

Ah~ It’s not so annoying to soak your feet while rushing to draft!

Foot Spa Massager with storage cover 4

There are many usage scenarios for massage cushions:

When working, it can be placed on the back of the chair, and the vibration massages the lower back of the sedentary. It can also support the waist and avoid subconscious hunchback.

During the days of a woman’s menstrual period, she can turn on the hot compress mode alone,

Padded under the lower abdomen, the stomach will be much more comfortable.

When not using the foot tub, put the lid on,

Successfully transformed into a small stool.

It not only prevents the foot tub from accumulating dust but also looks beautiful. No one knows that this is a foot tub unless you tell me. Put it in the porch, it can be used to put on and take off shoes.

It can also be placed next to the sofa and used as a footstool.

With this amazing design, they combine a foot tub, a massager, and a stool in one.

For the price of a foot tub, a full-body relaxer is included as a bonus, and it doesn’t take up storage space. I am convinced by this design.

How to use the foot tub?

The foot tub is very safe to use.

The wires are detachable, and there is a socket slide cover at the socket on the foot tub to avoid water ingress; the plug is designed to prevent leakage, so there is no need to worry about the hidden danger of leakage.

Note: After plugging in the plug, the red light on the plug is on, indicating that it is in the power-on state.

The whole machine has only one rotatable button, press it to start the machine.

Click the button to switch the mode, or use the two modes together.

foot bath spa water massager

In the “Heat Surf” mode, turn the number clockwise to increase the temperature, and the maximum temperature can be adjusted to 48°C;

Turn counterclockwise to lower the temperature.

The foot tub is quite deep, and if you fill it up with water, you can bathe together with the lower half of your calf.

There is also a bath material box in the basin.

You can add some bath materials to it according to your own needs to make it healthier and make the foot bath experience even better.

There is also a filter in the basin, which can filter out the inadvertently fallen hair and the debris of the herb bag, without blocking the drain hole.

The massage ball, bath material box, and filter screen can be disassembled and cleaned, which is very convenient.

The foot tub has handles for easy mobility. There is also a hidden drain at the bottom for easy drainage after soaking your feet.



Written by: FUJIREJA Massage Chair Group
The Exporter and Manufacturer of Massage Chair and Massager since 2003
Welcome OEM or ODM

foot bath spa water massager

It’s time to make an all-round SPA for your feet–evaluation of smart foot massager

Evaluation of smart foot massager

foot bath spa water massager


Table of contents
Traditional Chinese Medicine Foot Bath SPA
First Impressions of Smart Foot Massager
Classification of Foot Massager Revealed


Traditional Chinese Medicine Foot Bath SPA

As the saying goes: When people get old, their feet decline first. relative! Have you soaked your feet today? Chinese traditional Chinese medicine is extensive and profound. Through thousands of years of research, a complete and systematic foot reflexology has been developed.

You can find the reflex areas of the corresponding organs on the feet. Massage the corresponding reflex areas to relieve the pain of the corresponding organs. !

The pace of society is so fast now, after a busy day, maybe you just want to go home and lie in bed, or take a hot bath. but you know what? Compared with a hot bath, soaking your feet in hot water is actually the best way to relieve fatigue! Soaking feet can completely relax the feet that have been burdened all the time, and at the same time relieve the fatigue of the body.

I remember when I came home from school when I was a child, my mother would prepare a large basin of hot water for me to soak my feet before going to bed. Now that our living standards have improved, we can go to a foot bath shop or buy a foot bath device, but if we go to a foot bath shop, we will definitely not be able to afford the cost each time. Buying a foot bath device has become our common choice. How to choose a good and cheap foot bath?

First Impressions of Smart Foot Massager

Last year, I also bought one from a certain treasure, but the effect was very poor. I washed it twice and let it “eat ashes”. I am a rice fan who is very interested in products. I also have a lot of smart products at home. I especially like the smart experience, and I also like to go shopping in the mall. It is a great honor to get the opportunity to experience the smart foot massager in the public test section of the mall. I am very grateful to the mall for this rare opportunity, thank you!

The smart foot massager is packaged in our most commonly used corrugated paper, with shock-absorbing foam inside to ensure that the product is not damaged during transportation. The front is the main view of the foot bath, which allows users to get a general idea of what it looks like, with the name of the product on it and the logo of Youpin in the lower left corner. The appearance design of the intelligent foot massager is very simple, which is more in line with the aesthetics of our modern people. It removes the complicated design and restores the most simple and perfect design of the product.

Classification of Foot Massager Revealed

Open the foot bath, and there is a box with accessories in the package. To be honest, the design of the manufacturer is quite considerate, and the accessories are also very rich. On the whole, both the outer packaging and the accessory box are very careful, here is a thumbs up to the manufacturer! Have you noticed a detail, that is, the power cord is still designed to prevent leakage, which truly protects users intimately?

The reason why I like the product is mainly that the product is simple and square, and the simple and fashionable design of pure white color matching. The biggest advantage of this design is that it can be highly integrated with any household product, no matter where it is placed, it is a perfect work of art.

The operation panel design of the smart foot massager is also very simple. If you buy it for your parents at home, the design of the large function keys also meets the needs of your parents. The panel is waterproof, so you don’t have to worry if you accidentally splash it with water. At the same time, the panel is a touch design, which can be operated with a light touch. Although it is a simple button design, it has many functions, including smart mode, heating surf mode, foot massage, timing, temperature setting, and power on and off. There is certainly no obstacle to the use of parents at home, and it can be easily identified and operated.

The four universal wheels at the bottom of the smart foot massager are designed. To be honest, this design is very thoughtful. If parents are at home alone, let them carry such a foot bath full of water to the bathroom to pour water, and the distance will definitely not bear its weight. At the same time, this design is also the design that complains about the most before using it, and it is only after using it a lot later that you will know the really fragrant design that is convenient.

Almost all parts of the smart foot massager are designed to be detachable, such as the detachable massage disc, filter screen, and the upper cover of the health care medicine box. The detachable design is not only easy to replace but also convenient to clean. I have also used some foot baths that cannot be disassembled. After using it for a long time, the various dirt on it is really a headache to clean up. At the same time, there will be a lot of bacteria in it after using it for a long time, which will definitely affect my health. , and the detachable design of the smart foot massager perfectly solves these troublesome problems.

The power interface of the intelligent foot bath massager adopts a hidden design. When using it, you need to push the baffle up slightly to see the power interface. At the same time, the power cord is also a resettable anti-leakage protection design, which can cut off the power in 0.1s. It also adopts the DPS low-voltage instant heating system. The advantage of the low-voltage safety heater is that it is safer. There are 3 layers of magnesium powder insulation inside, which is 10 times the insulation thickness of ordinary PTC heaters and can completely separate water and electricity. Let users use it safely and securely.

foot bath spa water massager
The drain switch of the smart foot bath massager abandons the leather plug design of ordinary foot baths and adopts a hidden water outlet design. The water outlet is designed to face downward, and the water will flow out just by pulling it out. Are you also moved by various design details and want to buy one for experience?

Compared with other foot massagers relying on manual massage, the four massage beads on the massage disc of the intelligent foot massager can rotate freely, realizing 3D all-around automatic massage, restoring the effect of traditional manual massage, and the most important thing is realizing the smoothness of both feet. Simultaneous massage, allows you to experience the simultaneous massage of both feet which cannot be experienced in foot bath shops.

In addition, this product also has the most important mode, which is the heating surf mode mentioned above. Its realization principle is also very simple, that is, the hot water in the foot bath is sprayed out from the small hole in the front end by circulating operation. Furthermore, the surfing effect of hot water impacting the instep is realized, which is very comfortable. Compared with 3D massage, surf mode is another indescribable experience.


Generally speaking, the smart foot massager perfectly solves another way to release stress when we return home after a tiring day, besides taking a hot bath to relax our body and mind. The cold winter is coming soon, and it is the best product for me who lives in the north I am afraid of cold feet. I can use it to soak my feet or add some medicines to it for therapeutic massage, so I don’t need to go to the foot bath shop expenses.

Warm people first warm their feet, if you love her, buy her a smart foot massager!

Written by: FUJIREJA Massage Chair Group
The Exporter and Manufacturer of Massage Chair and Massager since 2003
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Foldable Foot Spa Water

The self-folding foot massager is better than going to a pedicure shop!

The self-folding foot massager is better than going to a pedicure shop!

Foldable Foot Spa Water
It is said that cold starts from the feet, which is true. Especially when sleeping, if the feet are not warm, the body will not be warmed up, and it is impossible to sleep well at night. Soaking your feet in hot water in winter is the happiest thing. After persisting for a period of time, the cold hands and feet are obviously improved.

In the past, I used plastic basins to soak my feet. The water was not high enough and it was easy to get cold. If I want to soak for a long time, I must keep adding water, which is troublesome. In the past two years, the water is not easy to be cold in the electric foot bath with the fire of celebrities, but it is large and takes up space, so I fell into the difficulty of choosing again, and finally simply returned to the plastic basin.

Two days ago, my friend gave me a folding foot bath, which finally opened my way to keeping in good health with technology. This foot bath can be lifted and folded electrically, can be heated and temperature controlled, and can be automatically massaged. It is not bad after experiencing it a few times. See if it works for you too. The handbag-like product in the picture is the electric folding foot bath D3, which has a unique shape.

To say what is special about this foot bath, the first point is of course the electric lift and fold. Have you ever seen a foot bath that is manually unfolded and folded, but have you ever seen a foot bath that is equipped with a battery that can be automatically lifted and folded wirelessly? The folded part of the barrel body of the foot bath is made of soft silicone, and a lifting motor is installed inside the barrel. When unfolding or folding the foot bath, you only need to turn on the spherical battery switch at the bottom of the bucket to start the automatic lifting function of the panel.self-folding foot massager

The folded thickness is only 15cm, and it is easy to find its place, such as under the bed, under the sofa, next to the closet, and in other small spaces that can be used. After unfolding, the 40cm bucket is deep enough to soak up the calves.

Heating and constant temperature is the most basic function of a foot bath. Only when this is done well can it be regarded as a qualified foot bath. Most of the foot baths on the market use PTC and dps heaters. In comparison, the dps heater has two layers of magnesium powder or quartz sand insulation. The insulation thickness is thicker than that of PTC with only two layers of insulation paper, and it is safer. outperformed. The smart foot bath uses the dps safety heating system, which is more secure to use.

Test the heating speed, set 40 degrees, and it took 10 minutes to heat up from 26 degrees, which is relatively fast. The constant temperature time can also be set, I set it for 30 minutes, and it will stop automatically when the time comes. The basic functions are well done.

Of course, this foot bath can not only soak your feet but also massage your feet while soaking your feet. The bottom of the bucket combines 3D massage movement and a soft rubber massage cushion, which combines rigidity and softness. Three different shapes of massage heads can cover different acupoints from the soles of the feet to the heels. At the same time, you can feel the three massage methods of kneading, acupressure, and scraping. The sourness is no less than that of a pedicure shop.

The soft rubber directly contacts the soles of the feet, and the massage intensity can be adjusted, so there is no need to worry about the pressure on the soles of the feet. The smooth soft rubber surface can be wiped clean and is easy to clean.

After the footbath is drained, turn on the drain switch at the bottom of the side. In terms of mobile cleaning, the bottom wheels are designed with dual-purpose handles, and the length of the telescopic pull belt can be adjusted to save labor and effort; the water filter pump can be disassembled and washed and can be rinsed directly in the bucket, which is good news for lazy people.

With this folding foot bath, soaking your feet becomes simple and joyful. You can experience the level of a professional masseur in a foot bath shop for less than 400 yuan. It is also convenient to store after it is finished. If you are tired from working in the daytime, cold and tired, you might as well go home and use it to have a “Foot SPA” to release your fatigue instantly.

Written by: FUJIREJA Massage Chair Group
The Exporter and Manufacturer of Massage Chair and Massager since 2003
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Foot massagers

Fantastic Foot massagers, do you know?

Fantastic Foot massagers

Table of Contents
Indispensable Foot Massagers
Amazing Features of Foot Massagers
Features of Foot massages

Indispensable Foot Massagers

Deep massage lovers, there are quite a lot of large and small massagers at home, including foot, head, buttocks, and cervical vertebrae. Foot massagers have been used the longest and are the most commonly used.

Because the feet are more easily tired than other parts, maybe because of the natural structure, the demand for a foot massage is much higher. This foot massager is still very comfortable. There are two modes, one is mild and the other is heavier, depending on your feet. The fatigue level can be selected, and it can also be heated.

The appearance is also very elegant, with a combination of white and brown red. Compared with many similar products, the design is very simple, generous, and attractive. For a good-looking object, the user experience will be improved by at least 30%+! Especially when you go out After walking for a day, I came back for 30 minutes when I was very tired, and it was like a fairy who was full of blood and resurrected.

Amazing Features of Foot Massager

There are already many acupoints on the soles of the feet. In addition to daily foot baths, you can insist on massaging the feet, unclogging the tendons, activating the collaterals, detoxifying and removing dampness, preventing diseases, regulating the body and mind, and improving the body’s immunity, which is the icing on the cake during the epidemic. , These days, I don’t want to get rich overnight, but I want to be safe and healthy!

In a state of fatigue, the body will feel a sense of weight, and it is actually a kind of enjoyment to press the acupuncture points of the feet at a certain time.

The foot massage machine is like a pair of hidden “hot wheels”. When the feet are inserted into the soles of the machine, there will be two sets of rollers that continue to rotate clockwise.

The surface of the roller has also added a few wavy lines, and it feels like a human hand is kneading for you when massaging.

The effect it brings to people is mainly to relieve stress in an all-round way. The reason why many people get sick is actually a feeling of oppression accumulated over a long period of time. In a state of extreme sadness, they are most likely to suffer from serious diseases.

In addition, it is not worse than the artificial effect of pressing, but more accurate.

It takes less than 8 minutes to put your feet in and it warms up. For people like me who are afraid of cold, the hot compress function is essential, and the feet are warm and fall asleep naturally.

Features of Foot massager

1. Massage all the feet

Everyone’s feet are different in size. To squeeze to every corner of the foot, naturally, wrap the entire foot first. If conditions permit, it will be better to press the calf into it.

2. Adjustable gear

This gear is closely related to strength in actual use. Different strengths are suitable for people of different ages because each person can bear different weights. It is best to choose multiple gears when selecting.

3. Massage method

At present, most of the rollers are used for kneading, and it also includes the full airbag covering method, so that the foot is not leaked.

4. Additional Features

The massage process that can set the time freely must have an independent timing function. The longer the pressing time, the better the effect. This should be adjusted according to the personal situation.

Written by: FUJIREJA Group
The Exporter and Manufacturer of Massage Chair and Massager since 2003
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foot massager spa

Do you know the four benefits of foot massager spa massage your feet?🎃

What is a foot massager spa ? too good health effects!

Now many people are paying attention to health preservation. Both young and old will enjoy massage in their daily life. In the past, they used to go to some massage shops to enjoy themselves. Now there are more and more massage products. Among them, the soles of the feet Massage is more popular.

Many people used to like to relax by soaking their feet, and now they have a foot massager spa , which is even more comfortable!

Massage can not only make people feel relaxed and comfortable but also has a relieving effect on various diseases and symptoms! For example, symptoms such as poor sleep, physical weakness, and chills are not serious, but they are really uncomfortable. Daily massage of the soles of the feet can improve these bad conditions.

It is also very effective for some anemia or other cardiovascular diseases such as varicose veins. There are also kidney deficiencies, poor endocrine, poor microcirculation, joint disease, and cervical spondylosis, and it is also very effective.

Staff who stand or sit for a long time must feel sore and tired long time, and a foot massage is also very effective. Many can not be called diseases, but they are all uncomfortable, and they can be improved through massage!

In the past, when massage was just emerging, everyone went to the massage shop to enjoy it. It needed manual operation by professional massage technicians, so the cost was relatively high, and it was expensive to consume once. However, these finished massagers are just small machines. It can be easily operated at home, and as a whole, the cost is also reduced, which is more economical!

There are many acupoints on the human foot, and by stimulating and massaging these acupoints, very ideal health effects can be achieved.

Many people choose to use a foot massager spa for health care, which can not only achieve the effect of relieving fatigue but also effectively promote physical health. So what are the functions of foot massage?

1. Using a foot massager can effectively accelerate the blood circulation of the body and achieve the effect of enhancing metabolism. Not only that, but the use of a foot massager can also effectively improve people’s sleep quality and provide sufficient nutrients to the brain, so it can make people refreshed and keep their minds clear after use.

2. There are many acupuncture points on the soles of people’s feet. By using a foot massager, these points can be effectively stimulated, so as to prevent and treat hypertension, rheumatism, neck and shoulder pain, and other symptoms, which is also very helpful for improving foot diseases. . If you suffer from knee inflammation, joint pain, rheumatism and other diseases in your life, you can also use a foot massager to achieve the effect of auxiliary treatment.

3. If you often use a foot massager at home, it can effectively relieve symptoms such as edema, varicose veins, and leg paralysis. Moreover, frequent massaging of the soles of the feet can effectively promote the circulation of local qi and blood, which is very helpful for the prevention and treatment of gout.

4. Regular use of foot massagers can effectively improve people’s sleep quality and strengthen the function of the digestive system, which is a very healthy way of health care.

Through the above introduction, I believe everyone knows the benefits of using a foot massager!

The above introduces the four major benefits of using a foot massager in detail. You can regularly use a foot massager for physical therapy in your life, so as to achieve the effect of health care, but you must be sure when buying a foot massager. To choose a relatively well-known brand, so as to ensure the quality of the foot massager, so as to achieve a more ideal health care effect.

Written by: FUJIREJA Group
The Exporter and Manufacturer of Massage Chair and Massager since 2003
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leg and foot massager

How to do the cleaning and maintenance of the leg and foot massager?

The current popularity of massage and health care equipment is not unrelated to the improvement of people’s awareness of health care. Of course, this is also due to the fact that after economic development, people’s life rhythm has accelerated, people have less time to exercise and their physical health is not as good as before, and massage health care can effectively improve people’s health and maintain good health! The legs and feet are the parts of the human body with dense meridians, and the massage of the legs and feet is also indispensable. How to clean and maintain the leg and foot massager?

First of all, before doing the cleaning work, make sure that the power of the leg and foot massager has been cut off and the power plug has been pulled out of the socket.

Secondly, the surface of the leg and foot massager can be wiped and cleaned with a soft cloth. Do not directly rinse the massager with water, so as to avoid water or other liquids seeping into the inside of the leg and foot massager, causing the massager to malfunction.

If the massager is dirty, please use a soft cloth dipped in water or neutral detergent to clean it, and then dry it with a clean cloth.

Maintenance tips for leg and foot massager:

Similarly, before doing the maintenance of the foot massager, first, turn off the power and pull out the power plug from the socket.

There is relatively sophisticated mechanical equipment inside the leg and foot massager, so in addition to keeping the product clean, the environment where it is placed is also very important. Do not place the massager in a high-temperature place, and do not place it in a high humidity environment or It is an environment with volatile gas.

If the massager will not be used for a long time, it is recommended to put the massager in the box and place it away from dust.

To prolong the life of the leg and foot massager, it is recommended to let the massager rest for fifteen minutes after using it for 30 minutes.

Please do not press, kick or sit on the foot massager to avoid equipment failure.

Written by: FUJIREJA Group
The Exporter and Manufacturer of Massage Chair and Massager since 2003
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Fujireja leg foot massager

How to choose a foot massager?

The fast-paced work and life often make our bodies exhausted. When we have the opportunity to have a massage to relax our whole body and relieve fatigue, we have committed “lazy cancer”. The appearance of a massager allows us to enjoy the “service” of massage parlors at home.

According to Chinese medicine, there are many acupuncture points on the human body, and massaging the feet can promote blood circulation, increase metabolism, improve sleep, make the brain get sufficient oxygen, make you refreshed and clear, and many other benefits. Choosing a good foot massager is very important for the user. Which is the best foot massager?

The current foot massager can be regarded as an upgraded version of the traditional foot massagers. On the basis of the foot massage, additional functions such as instep, full-package airbag massage, and hot compress are added. If you want to buy it, let’s start with the foot massager.

Foot massager‘s structure
Whether it is a foot massager or a foot massager, the most important message function comes from the motor, transmission mechanism, and massage components inside the machine. The principle is: the driving gear shaft and the four driven gear shafts, the driven gear shafts are divided into two groups, the gears in one group are directly meshed with the gears on the driving gear shaft, and the gears on the other group are between the driving gears. There is an intermediate gear, a protruding disc is fixed on the upper end of each driven gear shaft, and every two protruding discs correspond to a sole of the foot. Opposite the protruding disc is a massaging rod set on the foot pedal, and the massage rod passes through the foot. The pedal can move up and down relative to the foot pedal, and the massage rod is divided into a long rod, a middle rod, and a short rod.

Foot Massager Type
1. Magnets: It is mainly a kind of physiotherapy device that inlays magnets with different properties on a certain plane to form an uneven surface, so as to perform natural uneven massage and physical radiation massage on the feet of the human body. Belongs to the simplest foot massage product.

2. Bubble: The main form of bubble massage is the widely popular foot bathtub, which enables people to use the machine to generate oxygen while in the foot bath, and massage the soles of the feet through constantly churning bubbles.

3. Mechanical: It is mainly a pure mechanical massage of the feet by using a continuously rotating roller, which is natural and comfortable. No side effects. Foot massagers are mostly mechanical.

Other functions of foot massager
1. Infrared physiotherapy
2. 4D wrapping message: multiple airbags, 360-degree fit to massage the entire foot.
3. Foot warm feeling hot compress: foot hot compress function.
4. Foot and leg dual-use, leg airbag + rotating disc wrapping.

Type of massage
Due to the many acupuncture points on the soles of the feet, the foot massager is also the main function of simulating real people to perform a variety of massages. It can be roughly divided into pinch, roll, scrape, top, knead, push, and other foot massage techniques. The more advanced ones are also subdivided into forefoot, midfoot, and hindfoot, and the massage intensity can also be adjusted in various gears, which are suitable for people of different ages.

In terms of purchase, we choose the foot massager based on the purchase reference index ★★★★★ of each function, distinguishing the primary and secondary.

Safety material★★★★★
Since the foot massager is an electrical appliance that is in direct contact with the human body, its safety is particularly important. In addition to selecting those products that have passed the inspection of nationally recognized testing institutions. In addition, most foot massagers are plastic shells, try to choose new ABS or PP materials.

Massage Technique★★★★★
Most foot massagers on the market use mechanical arms to simulate various massage methods of human hands. Common foot massage methods include pinching, rolling, scraping, tapping, kneading, and pushing. When purchasing, you can focus on asking the store staff or look at the massage methods supported by the massager product brochure.

Massage fineness and intensity★★★★
In addition to having enough massage techniques to choose from, the fineness of massage cannot be ignored. Because there are many acupuncture points on the soles of the feet, pressing them accurately can have a good effect.

In addition, according to the different stress conditions of the elderly and young people, a foot massager with adjustable strength should also be purchased.

Extra Features★★★
To a certain extent, the foot massager is an upgraded version of the foot massager. In addition to the functions of the foot massager, it also adds many unique functions such as full-angle wrapping, airbag massage, warm and hot compress, sterilization, etc. Function. Some also extend upward to increase the function of massaging the calf.

In addition to the core and sublimation functions, the clear operation and ease of use make the product feel intimate. Since the elderly may use the foot massager more frequently, the simple and clear operation is a friendly plus for the elderly. In addition, many products have additional remote control operations and smart APP operations, which are much more convenient to use.

Written by: FUJIREJA Group
The Exporter and Manufacturer of Massage Chair and Massager since 2003
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What are the precautions when using the foot massager?

MG 8895 scaledThe foot massager, as its name implies, is an instrument for massaging the feet of the human body. There are many kinds of foot massagers that can be described as multiplying.

So what types of foot massagers are there|? What is the function of the foot massager? What problems should I pay attention to when using the foot massager?

1. What is a foot massager

The unique design of the foot massager and the distribution of acupuncture points are completely consistent with the results of the human foot. The unique intelligent machine corresponds to the 4 large foot reflex areas and 6 plantar reflex areas for intelligent massage, stimulating the foot acupoints to dredge the meridians and blood, fully Adjust the functions of the human internal organs.

2. Product Classification

Summarizing the various foot massage devices on the market, there are roughly the following categories:

  • 1. Magnet: It is a kind of physiotherapy equipment that is mainly used to inlay impassable magnets on a flat board to form an uneven surface, thereby performing natural uneven massage and physical radiation massage on the feet of the human body.
  • 2. Bubbles: The main form of bubble massage is the widely popular footbath, which enables people to use machines to generate oxygen while taking a foot bath, and massage the soles of the feet through constantly churning bubbles.
  • 3. Mechanical: It mainly uses the continuously rotating roller to perform pure mechanical massage on the feet, which is natural and comfortable. Without any side effects.

3. Product function

  • 1. Promote blood circulation and increase metabolism, thereby improving sleep, so that the brain can get sufficient oxygen, and make you refreshed and clear-minded;
  • 2. It can prevent and improve high blood pressure, rheumatic pain, nape, and back pain;
  • 3. It can gradually improve foot problems.
  • 4. It is effective for knee inflammation, rheumatism, and joint pain.
  • 5. Relieve edema, varicose veins, and leg paralysis.
  • 6. Promote the circulation of qi and blood in the legs and prevent and treat gout.

7. Regular use can improve insomnia and strengthen the function of the digestive system.

Four, applicable people

  • 1. People who habitually lift their feet
  • 2. Crowd sitting inclined
  • 3. People with high mental pressure and fatigue

Five, use matters needing attention

  • 1. You must confirm your physical condition before using a foot massager;
  • 2. Before use, pay attention to understanding the function, strength, frequency, and other related settings of the foot massager;
  • 3. Determine the voltage requirements of the foot massager;
  • 4. It is absolutely forbidden to use wet hands to plug or unplug the power supply of the massager;
  • 5. It is absolutely forbidden to use foot massagers in high humidity environments (such as bathrooms);
  • 6. If the foot massager circuit is found to be damaged, it must be stopped immediately;
  • 7. Do not stand on the massager during use;
  • 8. Children and elderly people must be accompanied if they need to use the foot massager;
  • 9. There are electronic devices such as pacemakers in the body, which prohibit foot massagers;
  • 10. Do not use a foot massager together with tinea pedis patients;
  • 11. After the failure occurs, it should be handed over to the professional maintenance department for troubleshooting, and it cannot be disassembled without permission.

This article introduces those things about foot massagers. In fact, the foot massager has many functions. Regular foot massage can have a magical effect, not only for strengthening the body but also for curing diseases. You can try it.
(Author: Mattie from Fujireja Health Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.

The best foot massager, how to choose?

The best Foot massagerThe best foot massager,how to choose? type

  • 1. Magnet: It is a kind of physiotherapy equipment that is mainly used to inlay impassable magnets on a flat board to form an uneven surface, so as to perform natural uneven massage and physical radiation massage on the feet of the human body. It is the simplest foot massage product.
  • 2. Bubbles: The main form of bubble massage is the now widely popular foot bath, which enables people to use machines to generate oxygen while taking a foot bath, and massage the soles of the feet through constantly churning bubbles.
  • 3. Mechanical: It mainly uses the continuously rotating roller to perform pure mechanical massage on the feet, which is natural and comfortable. Without any side effects. Foot massagers are mostly mechanical.

Other functions of the best foot massagers

1. Infrared physiotherapy
2. 4D wrapped massage: multiple airbags, 360-degree fit to massage the entire foot.
3. Foot warm compress: Foot warm compress function.
4. Dual-purpose for feet and legs, leg airbag + rotating disk wrap.

Type of the best foot massagers

As there are many acupuncture points on the soles of the feet, the foot massager also focuses on simulating real people for a variety of massages. Can be roughly divided into: pinching, rolling, scraping, topping, kneading, pushing and other foot massage techniques. More advanced ones are subdivided into forefoot, midfoot, and hindfoot. The massage intensity can also be adjusted in various positions, which is suitable for people in different years.

In terms of purchase, we choose the foot massager based on the purchase reference index of each function ★★★★★.

Safe material ★★★★★

Since the massager is an electrical appliance that directly contacts the human body, its safety is particularly important. In addition to selecting products that have passed the inspection of a nationally recognized testing agency. In addition, most foot massagers are made of plastic shell, try to choose brand new ABS or PP materials.

Massage techniques★★★★★

Most massagers on the market use mechanical arms to simulate various massage methods of human hands. Common foot massage techniques include pinching, rolling, scraping, topping, kneading, and pushing. When buying, you can focus on asking the clerk or look at the massage methods supported by the massager product brochure.

Massage fineness and strength★★★★

In addition to having enough massage techniques to choose from, the fineness of the massage cannot be ignored. Because there are a lot of acupuncture points on the soles of your feet, you can get a good effect by pressing them accurately.

In addition, according to the different stress conditions of the elderly and young people, a foot massager with adjustable strength should be purchased.

Extra features★★★

To some extent, the foot massagers is an upgraded version of the foot massager. In addition to the functions of the foot massager, it also adds many unique functions such as full-angle wrapping, airbag massage, warm compress, sterilization, etc. Features. Some also extend upward to increase the function of massaging the calf.

Other ★★★

In addition to the core and sublimation functions, the clear operation and easy use can make the product feel intimacy. Since the elderly may use the foot massager more frequently, the simple and clear operation is a friendly bonus for the elderly. In addition, many products have added remote control operation and smart APP operation, which is much more convenient in use.

Conditions of use of foot massagers

The foot massager has certain requirements for the user’s physique and usage time. So, what are the requirements for the use of a foot massager? When is it not suitable to use a foot massager for massage? Below are tips for not using a foot massager.

Tips for not using foot massagers:

  • 1. Before and after meals: When choosing the time to use the foot massager, we usually ask everyone to avoid the time period of 30 minutes before meals and 60 minutes after meals. Because using a foot massager before meals will reduce the secretion of gastric juice and reduce the body’s ability to digest food; and using a foot massager within 60 minutes after a meal will reduce the blood volume in the digestive system and will also have an adverse effect on digestion of food .
  • 2. Just after bathing: it is not suitable to use a foot massager for massage just after bathing and the feet are wet or relatively moist. Because water on the feet may cause damage to the massager, the moist foot skin is more likely to cause skin damage during the massage process (especially in the case of high massage intensity and high frequency).
  • 3. Physical condition: In addition to the above two points, before using the foot massager for massage, you also need to confirm your physical condition: usually high fever, recovering from a serious illness, malignant tumor, osteoporosis and skin damage, children People with pregnant women and others need to use the foot massagers carefully or as directed by a doctor to avoid accidental injury.

What are the benefits of foot massager for the body?

What are the benefits of foot massager for the body?
The benefits of foot massager

1. Promote blood circulation (The benefits of foot massager)

The blood flows through the blood circulation system composed of the heart and blood vessels to transport nutrients and expel waste.

Promoting blood circulation is essential to the health of the body. A healthy person has a pair of feet, but have you ever wondered how much pressure the feet put on? Every step taken, a person weighing 68 kg will bear 260 kg of pressure on their feet.

On average every day, your feet have to bear 2.6 million kilograms of pressure. This number is roughly equivalent to the pressure of 40,000 people stepping on your shoes.

The feet are the farthest away from the heart in the human body. If the peripheral circulation of the feet is obstructed, it will easily lead to poor blood circulation, which will lead to poor metabolism and decreased body tissue and organ function.

Carrying out foot massage can make the blood circulation of the feet smooth, promote blood circulation throughout the body, accelerate the body’s metabolism, supplement nutrition, and make your body healthy and functioning normally.

2. Regulate the nervous system

(The benefits of foot massager)

The nervous system is the dominant regulatory mechanism in the body. Nerve tissues are spread across all parts of the human body and play an extremely important role in controlling and regulating body activities. The important and complex physiological functions of nerve tissue are all completed through reflex activities, and the basis for this activity is neurons. Neurons ensure the internal unity of the body through reflection activities, so that the functional activities of various organs can better adapt to changes in the external environment.
The foot covered with very rich nerve tissue. By effectively stimulating the plantar reflex area, the functions of the corresponding tissues and organs can be adjusted, so that the normal is stronger and the abnormal is improved and restored.

3. Unblock the blood of the meridians

(The benefits of foot massager)

Meridians have the function of connecting viscera and limbs. The organs of the human body, such as the internal organs, limbs, five sense organs and nine orifices, muscles, bones, skin and flesh mainly rely on the communication and communication of the meridian system to make the body coordinated and unified.

Meridians have the functions of running qi and blood, nourishing the whole body, resisting external evils, and defending the body.

The internal meridians belong to the viscera, and the external collaterals are in the limbs, communicating between the viscera and the body surface, connecting the human viscera and organs into an organic whole.

The foot massager is a high-tech health care product integrating massage, meridian, holography and reflection.
The internal organs of the human body have corresponding projections on the feet.

Of the 12 meridians connecting the internal organs of the human body, 6 of them originate from the feet. The feet are the beginning of the three yin of the feet and the end of the three yang of the feet. Acupuncture points are connected to the internal and external environment.

If you can insist on washing your feet with hot water before going to bed, you can stimulate these acupoints, promote the circulation of qi and blood, regulate the function of internal organs, and relax the meridians of the whole body, so as to achieve the purpose of expelling diseases, replenishing qi and removing blood stasis, and nourishing vitality.

Modern medicine believes that the foot is the “second heart” of the human body. Numerous nerve endings in the foot are closely connected with the brain and are closely related to human health.

Therefore, frequent foot washing with hot water can enhance the body’s immunity and resistance, and has the effect of strengthening the body and prolonging life.

In short

using a foot massager to massage has become one of the most important means for people to relieve pain and reduce stress. Foot massage affects various parts of the body by applying pressure to specific acupoints on the feet to relax the body and mind.

Relax Foot massager can help reduce anxiety and promote deep body relaxation.

  • Promote blood circulation in the body
    When the blood circulates in the body, it is responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells, as well as removing waste and toxins from the body.
  • (But in daily life, the body is under pressure from all aspects, and the normal circulation of blood will be restricted. Foot massage can effectively improve this condition, reduce body pressure, and promote blood circulation.)
  • Enhance body immunity
    Stimulating foot reflexes through massage is an effective means to achieve relaxation and treatment, and it can prevent many diseases caused by stress.
  • Enhance happiness
    Foot massage is sensual. People usually enjoy the process of massaging their feet very much. If you send a foot massager to your partner, it is a good way to show your concern.
    (author: Fujireja Health Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.